Hello, I'd like to congratulate everyone who works on this site on their good works.
Please, let me ask for the following Italian trains from the ex-LeNord:
EA750 and their coaches EB950 and EB850
EA740 and their coaches EA940, EB930 and EB800
https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automotri ... binari.jpg
http://www.trenomania.org/fotogallery// ... 94&pos=535
http://www.trenomania.org/fotogallery// ... 94&pos=500
http://www.trenomania.org/fotogallery// ... 487&pos=44
http://www.trenomania.org/fotogallery// ... 94&pos=529
Hello and thank you!
EB950 and EB850 are being worked by french modder fimilfinfaon as v2bn sncf coaches. We will work some repaints to mach fs casaralta doppio piano in all liveries, including FNM.
EA750 is being worked by InfinityRibbon as Ale724. He will provide mdvc livery, xmpr livery and EA750 vehicle
EB950 and EB850 are being worked by french modder fimilfinfaon as v2bn sncf coaches. We will work some repaints to mach fs casaralta doppio piano in all liveries, including FNM.
Nothing of these at the moment. I will work on corbellini coaches soon but still no fnm versions
Thank you very much for the prompt and quick feedback