Greyhound Silversides

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Joined: 15 Dec 2019, 21:58

Done Greyhound Silversides

#1 Post by pd4106 » 15 Jan 2020, 07:53

Hi Danny,

Maybe we can consider these 2 buses for a future project. There is certainly no hurry at all, just my thoughts and I am very open to hearing your ideas as well.

The 1st one is the Greyhound Silversides, they ran from the mid ‘40s through the mid ‘60s. 35 ft. long and 118 inches high, 37 passengers. The Silversides and Scenicruiser were the buses that made Greyhound in their early days, mid ‘40s through the mid ‘70s.

The 2nd one is the Trailways Flxible* Hi-Level. This bus was first made in 1959. Same length and width as the Silversides, in searching I cannot find the Height for this bus, but I would say about 130 inches high. I know this bus was just a little bit under the GM Scenicruiser which is 134 high. It had 39 passenger seats. I really like this Flxible bus, even more than the Silversides, and I hope you do also. Greyhound did not have this bus in their fleet.

*Flxible is the correct spelling Danny.

So Danny these are just my ideas, and putting them on the table for your consideration while I am thinking about them. I absolutely love the Greyhound and Trailways MC-12s you modeled, and again many thanks.

Take gentle care Sir,
Bob in AZ, USA
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