Downloading and installing a mod
Steam Workshop
The central hub for downloading mods is the Steam Workshop.
Login to Steam in a browser or your Steam Client, navigate to the workshop and subscribe to mod. The mod will be automatically downloaded.
Manual download and installation
DMA Mods you can not get from Steam workshop, they are available for download from Mods for Transport Fever 2. Mods can also be found on various fan sites. At these sites you can look for mods and typically download mods as (zip) archives.
Just extract the (zip) archive into the Transport Fever mod folder which usually is located in the game installation folder. Find out more about folder locations here. Make sure that the mod has its own folder inside the “..\mods” folder (usually the zip archive already contains this folder).
Enabling a mod
Start Transport Fever and go to the “free game” page. Select “Custom” and switch to the “Advanced” tab and there you should see the installed mods. To enable a mod, double click it or click the grey switch in the “Enabled” column. It will turn green if a mod is enabled.
After starting the game, the active mods will then be “coupled” to the game. If you save and reload the game later the active mods will automatically be enabled again.
Adding a mod to a saved game
It’s also possible to add mods to existing saved games (enable additional mods for a saved game).
Warning: Because some mods modify game resources in a critical way, doing this can lead to unexpected behavior or even game crashes. Nevertheless, adding mods to existing save games is needed in some cases.
To add a mod to an existing saved game, go to the load game screen. Select the saved game you wish to start with and click on the plus “+” sign in the mods area at the bottom of the screen.
Downloading, installing, and enabling mods
Game file locations
The game files are split up into three parts:
Installation folder with the game´s static data and manually installed mods
Userdata folder with the game’s dynamic data:
settings.lua: The settings file storing various settings (e.g. screen resolution, game volume, …).
profile.lua: The profile file stores the campaign progress and last saved game.
/crash_dump: Folder with game logfiles
/keyframes: Folder for camera manager keyframes - see Debug mode for more information.
/recordings: Folder for camera manager recordings.
/save: Folder for save game files.
/screenshots: Folder for camera manager screenshots.
/staging_area: Steam version only - see Mod development for more information.
Workshop items (Steam version only)
The typical location of the installation and userdata folder depends on the used platform and operating system.
Installation folder:
Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Transport Fever
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/common/Transport Fever
Linux: ~/.local/share/Steam/common/Transport Fever
Userdata folder:
Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<user-number>\446800\local
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata/<user-number>/446800/local
Linux: ~/.local/share/Steam/userdata/<user-number>/446800/local
Workshop items*:
Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\workshop\content\446800
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/workshop/content/446800
Linux: ~/.local/share/Steam/workshop/content/446800
*It is not recommended to add, edit, or remove files in that folder. for manually installing Mods, please refer to the Modding section.
Installation folder:
When using the manual installer, the installation folder can be defined during the first installation.
When using GOG galaxy
Windows: C:\Users\<current Windows user>\AppData\Roaming\Transport Fever
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Transport Fever or ~/Library/Containers/com.gambitious.transportfever/Data
Linux: ~/.local/share/Transport Fever
The game files are split up into three parts:
Installation folder with the game´s static data and manually installed mods
Userdata folder with the game’s dynamic data:
settings.lua: The settings file storing various settings (e.g. screen resolution, game volume, …).
profile.lua: The profile file stores the campaign progress and last saved game.
/crash_dump: Folder with game logfiles
/keyframes: Folder for camera manager keyframes - see Debug mode for more information.
/recordings: Folder for camera manager recordings.
/save: Folder for save game files.
/screenshots: Folder for camera manager screenshots.
/staging_area: Steam version only - see Mod development for more information.
Workshop items (Steam version only)
The typical location of the installation and userdata folder depends on the used platform and operating system.
Installation folder:
Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Transport Fever
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/common/Transport Fever
Linux: ~/.local/share/Steam/common/Transport Fever
Userdata folder:
Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<user-number>\446800\local
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata/<user-number>/446800/local
Linux: ~/.local/share/Steam/userdata/<user-number>/446800/local
Workshop items*:
Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\workshop\content\446800
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/workshop/content/446800
Linux: ~/.local/share/Steam/workshop/content/446800
*It is not recommended to add, edit, or remove files in that folder. for manually installing Mods, please refer to the Modding section.
Installation folder:
When using the manual installer, the installation folder can be defined during the first installation.
When using GOG galaxy
- right-click Transport Fever in the library or select “More” next to the “Play” button,
- then select “Manage Installation → Show folder”.
Windows: C:\Users\<current Windows user>\AppData\Roaming\Transport Fever
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Transport Fever or ~/Library/Containers/com.gambitious.transportfever/Data
Linux: ~/.local/share/Transport Fever
Re: Downloading, installing, and enabling mods
Hi, I'm having some trouble downloading mods and not quite sure which folder to put them in. I downloaded the Eurofima coaches into D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Transport Fever 2\mods\dma_Eurofima_FS_1. It shows up in the mods list (but doesn't have the train tag next to it) when enabling the mods in game but the coaches don't appear to show up in the depots. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!
Re: Downloading, installing, and enabling mods
The folder is right.
You have to download also the base set which is the very first file you can download in the topic:
Once you have the base set, FS version will work
You have to download also the base set which is the very first file you can download in the topic:
Once you have the base set, FS version will work

Re: Downloading, installing, and enabling mods
Cool thank you! Didn't realize the base set, sorry. Thanks for the help