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Volvo 7000 City Buses
Posted: 20 Dec 2019, 21:47
by Danny
Volvo 7000 City Buses
city bus r1
city bus a1
city bus r1
city bus a2
city bus r2 Promet
city bus a2 promet
city bus r2 zet
city bus a2 zet
The Volvo 7000, later Volvo 7700, was an integrally-constructed fully low-floor single-decker rigid bus and single-decker articulated bus built by Volvo between 1999 and 2012. It was generally available as 12-metre and 18-metre on both diesel and CNG, and from 2010 as a 12-metre hybrid electric. A trolleybus version has also been built.

Mod Info
Passengers: R-34, A-42
Power: 240 kW
Weight: 19.0 t
Max. speed: 80 km/h
Available from: 1999
Available until: no end year
Safe remove: No
Versions History
1.5 - Corrected emission values
1.4 - Added running lights
1.3 - Fine tuning
1.2 - Small texture corrections
1.1 - Initial TpF2 release
Re: City Buses
Posted: 22 Dec 2019, 10:59
by Danny
Mod updated to version 1.2
We made a small correction in the textures.
Re: City Buses
Posted: 25 Dec 2019, 22:49
by Danny
Mod updated to version 1.3
Fine tuning... small corrections in labels, UI icons...
Re: City Buses
Posted: 11 Jan 2020, 14:26
by Danny
Mod updated to version 1.4
- added running lights (headlights & rear lights)
- added variations list
Re: City Buses
Posted: 22 Jan 2020, 05:22
by fetfrumos96
Will the trolleybus version also be modeled?
Re: City Buses
Posted: 22 Jan 2020, 06:22
by Bluesiak
Re: City Buses
Posted: 22 Jan 2020, 08:07
by Danny
fetfrumos96 wrote: ↑22 Jan 2020, 05:22
Will the trolleybus version also be modeled?
I can add pantograph on Volvo bus...

Re: City Buses
Posted: 22 Jan 2020, 12:16
by vieri37
If you let it I will do painting MZK Jastrzębie.
Re: City Buses
Posted: 22 Jan 2020, 19:46
by Danny
vieri37 wrote: ↑22 Jan 2020, 12:16
If you let it I will do painting MZK Jastrzębie.

Re: City Buses
Posted: 23 Jan 2020, 05:26
by fetfrumos96
I can add pantograph on Volvo bus.yes but no contact network.
Re: City Buses
Posted: 23 Jan 2020, 16:18
by MatePKP
Re: City Buses
Posted: 23 Jan 2020, 17:26
by fetfrumos96
W Twoim mieście może być to normalne, ale w grze jazda pod trolejbusem bez sieci kontaktów nie jest przyjemna z estetycznego punktu widzenia.
Re: City Buses
Posted: 23 Jan 2020, 19:53
by MatePKP
Kolego emotka na końcu coś sugeruje, że raczej jest to luźna wypowiedź. Dodatkowo wspomnę że w Polsce można spotkać trolejbusy tylko w trzech miastach więc raczej nie jest to normalny widok, tak jak i zapewne na zachodzie gdyż taki element nie został zaimplementowany w grze.
Re: City Buses
Posted: 23 Jan 2020, 19:59
by Bluesiak
Można przerobić model tramwaju pod model trolejbusa, korzystając z jego pantografów i sieci trakcyjnej.
Re: City Buses
Posted: 23 Jan 2020, 21:49
by fetfrumos96
W pierwszej części, gorączka transportowa, zaimplementowano coś podobnego od Seamona, trolejbusy i sieć kontaktów dla nich. Trolejbusy były częścią tramwajów. Rosyjscy modelerzy z TGR Studio powiedzieli, że w drugiej części gry dodadzą trolejbusy i sieć kontaktów, ale do tej pory tak się nie stało Na razie możesz więc zapomnieć o wdrożeniu trolejbusów, a może sam stworzyć sieć dla trolejbusów. Niestety nie jestem kompetentny w modelowaniu. Może ktoś to weźmie.
Re: City Buses
Posted: 24 Jan 2020, 18:33
by schweizerleague
do you know that there is already big pack of solaris on tpf net site? theres also trolleybuses.
Re: City Buses
Posted: 24 Jan 2020, 19:55
by fetfrumos96
Trolleybuses from Gotthard Solaris Urbino III. They were made by Gotthard, but I know, but this mod for the first part is transport fever and we talked about the second part of transport fever. As long as there are none in the second part, maybe they will be transferred to the second part of the game transport fever, these are models in particular: from Seamon and from Gotthard and possibly trolleybuses from TGR Studio. Who knows when it will be implemented. For this, we need infrastructure for trolleybuses and also wires with two contact lines. Tram wires are not suitable as it is done in the first part. My point of view trolleybuses should be about separately as an electric transport on trams and of buses.This is just my point of view.
Re: City Buses
Posted: 25 Jan 2020, 00:30
by schweizerleague
wooow strange, i m sure that he made them for TPF2 too at christmas holidays. it look alike they deleted it when they made a new site

Re: City Buses
Posted: 01 Feb 2020, 10:47
by fetfrumos96
As I expected before. Here, who cares,these buses and three trolleybuses appeared on the German site. Transport Fever Community Filebase Transport Fever 2 Means of transport Buses Solaris Urbino III [TPF2], Solaris Urbino III AddOn (Hybrid und Electro) [TPF2]
Re: City Buses
Posted: 11 Feb 2020, 12:36
by fetfrumos96
Can you also model the trolleybus version on the basis of these buses? If possible, please also make a version of the single and double trolleybus. I and many users will be very grateful to you. With respect to you, Yuri.
Re: City Buses
Posted: 11 Feb 2020, 13:42
by Danny
fetfrumos96 wrote: ↑11 Feb 2020, 12:36
Can you also model the trolleybus version on the basis of these buses? If possible, please also make a version of the single and double trolleybus. I and many users will be very grateful to you. With respect to you, Yuri.
Yes, it is possible... not like in real life, but, who cares...

Re: City Buses
Posted: 12 Feb 2020, 09:32
by fetfrumos96
Perhaps you are right, it will not look real. Then there will be a couple more trolleybuses in the game. There are already Gotthard trolleybuses based on Solaris Urbino 3. However, Siamon can remake his buses and trolleybus package from the first part of Transport Fever, as well as add to the second part of the game. I hope so. Because trolleybuses are arguing with buses and trams about noise pollution, as established in the game. Yes, we know that at the end of the game a pair of electric buses will appear, but this is 2020. And what to do before this time, let the cities suffer, i.e. make noise And so they will ride separately on trolleybuses, well, who wants to with the rest of the transport. Maybe I'm wrong?
Re: City Buses
Posted: 12 Feb 2020, 10:52
by Danny
OK, I'll try add pantographs to buses and let see how it looks in game...
Re: City Buses
Posted: 12 Feb 2020, 11:58
by fetfrumos96
Yes, try it, because Gotthard implemented it. Rather, they will need to be adjusted to the tram line, otherwise it will look stupid without wires. They will need to be registered as trams so that they leave the tram depot, I am sure that Gotthard did so. Seamon also did in the first part.If you manage to sell you trolleybuses, then make them less noisy, for example, 30-40 noise.I’m sure that your trolleybuses will look better than Gotthard or Seamon.
Re: City Buses
Posted: 12 Feb 2020, 15:07
by Avalkiz
Are insanely high emissions a bug or a feature? This mod is quite useless for me at the moment. Emissions happens to be at 105-138 depending on version of the bus. Original buses from the game and from similar year have emissions level at 68-71.